Welcome to YOKEDink. We're dedicated to reaching all ages and races through books, music, stage plays, and more. This way everyone can read, hear, and see the truth of God’s word. Learning Gods' truth is a life-changing experience. Coming to know Jesus can take place at any age, and YOKEDink is honored to spread the word and share the simplicity of Jesus through different avenues.
People have asked "what's the meaning of YOKED ink." Yoked means to be in agreement with Jesus, to live by His ways and spread God's word to all ages and all races. Ink means words have the power to make a difference and writing is what we do.
Most people love a good book, music, or theater which are the outlets used by YOKEDink. Our mission is to reach as many people as possible. Founded in 2016 by Aria L. Suber, YOKEDink is determined to get Gods word all over the world. YOKEDink believes that as the team does their part, God will do His part to ensure people learn all they can about Him, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, for the three go hand in hand. "Getting the message out is our number one focus and being able to accomplish this through such outlets is an exciting." Checkout the website, watch the book trailers, view our first stage play and other clips under the video page, listen to a few songs, or read the wake-up wall. Whichever avenue you take this site is meant to share the truth of Jesus Christ.
If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Aria L. Suber and the YOKEDink team​​
Thank You for your time!
Our mission is to share Gods word in a memorable way through books, music, stage plays, and more. In hopes that others will see that living and establishing a relationship with God through His Son Jesus will change their lives forever. YOKEDink is excited to spread the word of God to all people, all ages, all over the world.
To see lives of all ages and backgrounds learn or be reminded that Jesus Christ wants to be apart of the everyday life.