
Grannie Knows Best Short Stories
Discover the compelling and controversial narratives of Grannie Knows Best by Aria L. Suber. This collection of short stories opens up new vistas and invites readers to view topics that are relevant to today’s society. Take a deeper dive into issues that matter and read how Jesus' cares is captured. These aren't your typical biblical stories. Grannie's Short Story collection is a must-have for anyone looking for truth, inspiration and hope. Grannie Knows Best Biblical Bedtime Stories and Breaking News both contain 12 short stories that offer a realistic read on faith, love, and the power of God's presence. Through these stories, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how God can work in your life, even in the most challenging of circumstances. The first storybook is for readers of all ages; a great way to learn and or be reminded that God can handle our lives. The second storybook houses controversial content which is why it's called "Breaking News," this book is great for teens to 120. Aria speaks about Alcoholism, Gang life, Hate Crimes, Homosexuality, The Changing Church, Violence through Text and much more!
YOKEDink has carefully selected 10 stories from two previously released Grannie Knows Best Books:
Biblical Bedtime Stories and Breaking News to stand as solo books. They can be ordered today. To learn how Grannie plays a role in the characters lives-you have to read the stories.
Book Signing Gallery

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2017 Book Signing at Barnes and Noble Anchorage, Alaska
Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson Main Exchange
The Book Launch for Alaska's Book Week went great! We met so many people, from young kids to our wise in age; everyone saw something they liked about "Grannie Knows Best- Biblical Bedtime Stories." Our mission is to share God's word to all that will allow.
Book Signing at Barnes & Noble Anchorage
The Book Launch for Alaska's Book Week went great! We met so many people from young kids to our wise in age. Everyone saw something they liked about "Grannie Knows Best- Biblical Bedtime Stories." Our mission is to share God's word to all that will allow.
Team YOKEDink, would like to thank everyone that took part in these events.

"I met a dad and son name James and Robert, a conversation I will never forget."
Thank you all for stopping at the table to ask questions, talk about the living GOD, and share your stories. I'll be praying with you all for the understanding and boldness we all need to share the true gospel.
Thank you to Barnes & Noble “Grannie Knows Best- Biblical Bedtimes Stories."
Have a beautiful Day!
Aria L. Suber

Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson Main Exchange Book Signing.
Thank you JBER Alaska!