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Our Music Videos

Music is powerful and while the vocals and beats are important, I'll be the first to say my  vocals can use a great teacher, but the lyrics put to the beats are what's important for YOKEDink and the message/words you hear. As you watch and listen, we pray this will be helpful to you in Jesus name. Nathan Jarrelle, who houses a host of music on streaming sites allowed YOKEDink to share his music on our site. Be sure to check out 03 below to hear Nathan. All songs available on most streaming. 

01  Seasons

This song is about coming face-to-face with choice and simply refusing to listen to the ways that will keep us from the God that can help us.​


"The Seasons are about to change

Are you sure you wanna stay the same

(are you sure?)"


Let Go

This song is about letting go of your old life so you can embrace the new life the living God has for you. ​​

"Let go of the old you and welcome the new you!"

03 King of The KingdomAlbum: Known By Him by Nathan Jarrelle​

Nathan Jarrelle's music can be heard on: 
Amazon, Apple Music, iHeartRadio, Spotify, YouTube, and other streaming sites 


Have You Ever Wondered
(live performance)

We pray this song will be a blessing to someone in the midst of their hurt. God has given us all a time to live and a time to die and “IF” we die in Jesus then He says we have fallen asleep and in His time, we'll awake again, but if we die “Outside” of Him then it’s a great sadness for that person isn’t asleep, but dead. 


In the Bible there was a grieving period and God expected everyone to keep trusting Him and move forward. That doesn’t mean that you won’t miss your loved ones, but it does mean that God never wanted us to fall into depression, kill ourselves, feel hopeless, or simply never move forward after the passing of a loved one.​

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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us a message. We reply within 24 hours !

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